
Showing 464 Results

  1. whats in store august

    In a departure from the usual format, here’s a fish which is currently arriving in our stores for all the wrong reasons. The Marbled clarias (Clarias batrachus) is a domestic strain of a fish that is also known as the Walking catfish. With an adult size of around 45cm, this tough and rather belligerent food fish is being sold as tiny, adorable youngsters by a number of irresponsible retailers – most of which are unable to house them when customers attempt to return them

  2. Whats in store - October 2024
    Whats in store - October 2024

    As the weather cools and focus shifts indoors, the ‘trop season’ is upon us. Since the last one there’s been some changes to the names of things with Corydoras catfish and now it seems tetras being reclassified. Predictably, it takes suppliers a while to catch up with these name changes and many people will be pleased to hear that common names are pretty much unaffected.

    Traditionally there’s a number of species that are bred and sold to us with the wrong names and have

  3. What's in store - October 2023
    What's in store - October 2023

    Triggerfishes are some of the most responsive and rewarding marine fish pets but are often loveable rogues with borderline psychotic tendencies

  4. Temperate fish - the smart alternative to goldfish
    Temperate fish - the smart alternative to goldfish

    Let’s look at temperate fishes. They’re not cold water but they’re not tropical either – most importantly they thrive at room temperature. The most significant aspect is that they’re a far better choice for modestly sized set ups than goldfish.

  5. What's in store - September 2023
    What's in store - September 2023

    Cichlids are a very diverse group of fishes and if you were so inclined, you could find species for pretty much every type of aquarium whether community, unheated temperate (even summer pond!), or marine. The early days of the hobby were characterised by experiences of keeping territorial species of this group in tanks that were often too small to allow any tankmates to keep a healthy distance from angry parental cichlids and so a reputation was born.

  6. Seasonal Tips - January
    Seasonal Tips - January

    Welcome to a new year! Traditionally a time of resolutions and change, as well as freezing weather. After the usual feasting and merriment, those who make resolutions will be joining gyms, giving up smoking, trying to swear less (or at least only under due provocation!) and perhaps be better fish keepers. Having done most of the above at some point, I can tell you that the last one is probably the easiest of the lot...

  7. Seasonal Tips - February
    Seasonal Tips - February

    February can be a changeable month, with glimpses of spring between reminders that winter’s not intending on going down without a fight…Check out our top tips for fishkeeping indoors and out!

  8. Seasonal Tips - March
    Seasonal Tips - March

    With signs of spring everywhere, it’s time to embrace the start of a new pond season before the warmth of Easter brings the traditional start of the outdoor season.  

  9. Seasonal Tips - April
    Seasonal Tips - April

    The coming of Easter means it’s time for things to wake up in the spring garden and this month sees sunny days win over cold nights. In response, fish and aquatic wildlife become more active and plants start growing and flowering. With the current shenanigans taking place, it’s good to know that the water garden can absorb all the time you can give it…

  10. Seasonal Tips - May
    Seasonal Tips - May

    Bank holidays have been a rollercoaster of high and low temperatures and we’ve had a good amount of rain. It can only mean one thing – spring is here!

  11. Seasonal Tips - June
    Seasonal Tips - June
    No matter how slow the spring seems, this time of year never fails to deliver the promises of early summer. Looking at the verdant growth of poolside plants there’s no escaping the fact that summer’s here.
  12. Seasonal Tips - July
    Seasonal Tips - July
    ​High summer is here and in many gardens the pond is the most verdant part. That’s what makes them such a great place to sit and enjoy a cold drink but this has to be earned by keeping on top of the usual seasonal tasks.
  13. Seasonal Tips – August
    Seasonal Tips – August

    This summer has been a record-breaker and continues to provide tropical temperatures, no matter how ‘cold water’ your fishes may be.

  14. Seasonal Tips - September
    Seasonal Tips - September

    After the heat of summer, September is the point where pond keepers need to start planning for what’s to come.

  15. Seasonal Tips - October
    Seasonal Tips - October

    So, it’s the time of year when nature shrugs off her summer splendour to take on the glorious glowing tints of autumn. For less romantically inclined water gardeners it’s the time when leaves start to get everywhere!

  16. Seasonal Tips - November
    Seasonal Tips - November

    As the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness gives way to winter there are far fewer leaves on the trees. It’s time to go and fish them out of the pond and make the most of the warm autumn weather before it really does get cold out there. We may have had the first frosts but it takes a little longer for ponds to cool. Indoors, it’s always tropical...

  17. Seasonal Tips – December
    Seasonal Tips – December

    So, here we are again – the robins are briefed and ready, the mistletoe is looking nervous and the stores are bracing themselves to explain to last minute gift shoppers that fish can’t be gifted in a brand new aquarium purchased the previous day. Here are our top fishkeeping tips for indoors and out for December.

  18. What's in store - August 2023
    What's in store - August 2023

    Everybody knows what Dory looks like (it is the school holidays after all) but this has to be one of the most unique Regal tangs (Paracanthurus hepatus) that we’ve ever seen. 

  19. Caring for your Pond Fish
    Caring for your Pond Fish

    Moving to new surroundings can be daunting for fish and it’s perfectly normal for even the tamest specimens to take a little time to settle in, so don’t worry if your new pets are shy at first. Adding a small quantity of food helps the fish to associate your arrival with good things and tame more quickly.

  20. Caring for your Coldwater Fish
    Caring for your Coldwater Fish

    Many of us had a goldfish as our first childhood pet and they’re a popular choice, especially for a child’s first aquarium. But these large and messy fish are actually far better suited to outdoor life in a pond.

Items 1 to 20 of 464 total

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Please note: online orders placed after 3pm on Friday 22nd December will not be dispatched until the New Year. For full details of our festive delivery and opening times click here